Signs of a Gambling Problem

Should I be Concerned about My Own or Someone Else’s Gambling?
Here are some signs of a gambling problem:

  • Going beyond limits with gambling

    e.g. gambling longer or spending more money than intended

  • Finding it hard to stop

    e.g. chasing losses or putting all or most of the winnings back into the play

  • Financial problems

    e.g. difficulties paying bills or covering expenses, increase in debt

  • Unusual flows of money

    e.g. sometimes having a sudden windfall and other times being broke

  • Becoming more secretive about gambling

    e.g. holding back details about gambling or how much has been spent or lost

  • Thinking about gambling more and how to deal with financial problems

  • Increasing stress, worry and irritability

  • Becoming distracted and withdrawn from people and normal activities

Get started today on regaining control

If you or someone you know is showing signs of a gambling problem, listen to our podcast, Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems. You are not alone.

Hear how others have overcome gambling problems. Tips for spouses, families and friends who are also struggling with this issue. Counsellors explain why gambling can be hard to stop and strategies to get back on track.

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